Nihonga Demo at SF Asian Art Museum

The demonstrations of "Nihonga"(Japanese traditional painting) by Fumiyo Yoshikawa were held at San Francisco Asian Art Museum from March 9th through 15th of 2008.

1. Applying gofun the white color made of oysters' shell.
2. Making back ground by sizing with dousa..
3. Applying dousa.
4. Making nikawa glue solution
5.Making nori gulue for mounting.
6. Sanzenbon-nikawa sticks
7. Some colors and tools of nihonga
8. Making a color,gunjo.
9. Making gofun

Photos were taken by Brian Pobuda,Photographer(1.2.7), by Adrienne, Fumiyo's friend (8,9) and by Daichi Kise, Writer of "The Hokubei Mainichi News"(3,4,5,6)
(The article of the demo and photos by Kise appreare on March 12, 2008.)


Nihonga Process 1

From the works for "the nihonga demonstration" by Fumiyo Yoshikawa at San Francisco Asian Art Museum.


Work of Fumiyo Yoshikawa "Peaceflish " 12"x16”, 2008, Sumi-ink, Japanese dry pigments and gold leaf and powder on paper


1. Making a sketch by observing the subject and drawing it many times.


2. Making a soukou ( draft)


3. Nensha (Transfering)

photo taken by Daichi Kise


4. Kotsugaki (Outlinening with sumi-ink) and jinuri


5.Shita-nuri (base coloring) with gofun, oudo and rokushou colors.


6. Haku-oshi (Applying gold leaf on paper or other supporter.)


7. Naka-nuri (Under coloring)


8. Uwa-nuri (Coloring under finishing colors)


9. Finish


Nihonga Process 2

From the works for "the nihonga demonstration" by Fumiyo Yoshikawa at San Francisco Asian Art Museum.


Work of Fumiyo Yoshikawa "Spaceflish " 12"x16”, 2008, Sumi-ink, Japanese dry pigments and dust of gold leaf and gold powder on paper


1. Making a sketch by observing the subject and drawing it many times.


2. Making back ground and under painting


3. Finish



Nihonga Process 3

From the works for "the nihonga demonstration" by Fumiyo Yoshikawa at San Francisco Asian Art Museum.


Work of Fumiyo Yoshikawa "Her First Snow " 12"x16”, 2008, Sumi-ink, Japanese dry pigments on paper


1. Making a sketch


2. Making a soukou - draft


3. Kotsugaki - Outlining with sumi

photo taken by Daichi Kise


4. Making the base with sumi

photo taken by Daichi Kise


5. Jinuri -Under coloring


6. Uwanuri -Coloring


7. Finish



